Sunday, December 20, 2009

Fast Facts about HK's commercial diesel fleet (buses & trucks)

90% of HK's 11 million daily passenger trips are via public transport, making HK a leader in transport modal efficiency.

HK's commercial diesel fleet is responsible for 90% of RSPs (i.e. suspended particulates smaller than 10 micrometers that can penetrate deep into the lungs)

The commercial diesel fleet is estimated to account for 70% of all vehicle distance traveled in HK.

20% of all Singapore's buses (860 of 4353) are Euro IV or above, compared to only less than 1% of HK's buses (53 of 5768)!

Read Civic Exchange's research paper for more facts and a full analysis of the challenge of replacing old franchised buses., "Paying for a Cleaner Bus Fleet: How Government Can Break the Log Jam"
If you care about Hong Kong, please WATCH this,

What I REALLY think,

The #1 resource for health, news, policy about HK air pollution. JOIN US at

Have you signed the Petition for Clean Air?

Joanne Ooi
Clean Air Network
Shui On Centre, 6-8 Harbour Road
Room 1008, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Telephone 3971 0106

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